Alegrem-se fãs de One Piece! Grandes notícias chegam hoje para vós. A Namco Bandai Games, empresa responsável pelo desenvolvimento de “One Piece: Kaizoku Musou” para a Playstation 3, confirmou finalmente a chegada deste título à Europa e à América do Norte.
Conhecido por cá pelo nome de “One Piece: Pirate Warriors“, este videojogo, lançado no Japão a 1 de Março deste ano, vai chegar ao ocidente apenas pela via digital. A não ser que mais tarde cheguem notícias que indiquem o contrário, é isso que nos diz o comunicado da Namco Bandai Games que pode ser lido já de seguida.
One Piece Kaizoku Musou confirmado na Europa
LAS VEGAS, Nevada, (April 11, 2012) – Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today announced ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS exclusively available as a digital title on the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS is developed by Omega Force / TECMO KOEI GAMES CO., LTD., and brings together the world’s most popular manga franchise with non-stop action of the DYNASTY WARRIORS franchise to create a ONE PIECE perfect storm. ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS will be available in North America in 2012.The first nautical outing for the ONE PIECE series on the PlayStation 3 system, ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS will immerse players in the Straw Hat Pirates’ grand voyage around the globe, letting them face hordes of pirate and Marine enemies as well as experience all the great moments from the anime from Orange Town through Marineford. Faithful to the original ONE PIECE manga by Eiichiro Oda, players will relive their favorite scenes controlling many of the beloved Straw Hat Pirates including; Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and others, each with their signature moves, including Luffy’s Gum-Gum attacks.ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS will invite players to do battle with a massive amount of opponents using the simple controls from the DYNASTY WARRIORS series to wreak havoc on the battlefield. The story mode will drop players right into the heart of the rich ONE PIECE universe filled with treasured characters, powerful enemies, touching moments and memorable scenes. |
A data estimada para a chegada de Luffy e companhia a Portugal e restantes países destes dois continentes é Novembro deste ano (2012).
Vão adquirir One Piece: Kaizoku Musou? O que pensam sobre a comercialização apenas pela via digital?
Fonte: Anime Games Online